Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Back for seconds.

Yeah. I know what I said last year...but it's the Taste of Buffalo. As long as I have feet to walk on, money and an appetite, there's no way I can stay away.

This year, I had a yen to revisit a technique that - I believe - served me well in the past: partake of the Taste’s bounty, steal away to the nearby movie theater and take in a flick, then return for any remaining repast. Foolproof! Seemingly.

I found my usual parking area some blocks away. It helps to get some exercise in with all the food I'll be eating.

When I got up to Delaware, there was a huge line. After a few minutes, I couldn't help but ask about the nature of the line. As it turns out, this was the line for buying tickets with cash. However, I was in the mood for paying with credit. This line turned out to be much shorter.

Eight sheets (of tickets) to the wind, I head off to sate my appetite. I keep hoping that I am able to try these dishes in the style of a feast: first, an appetizer, then the main course (with sides where applicable) and finish it off with dessert. Despite my desire to lose weight, that is (given the layout of the stands) far too much walking than I am willing to put up with.

Still, the first meal of interest indulges my desire somewhat: the Chicken Wonton from Sidelines Sports Bar and Grill.

The ratio of chicken to wonton was hopelessly unbalanced in favor of the latter, but the tangy dipping sauce helped to paper over any design flaws.

A good deal more walking (through crowds that seem to get thicker every year) led me to the Impossible Loaded Taco Nachos from Avenue29 Foods.

If the scanty nature of the dish had been its only problem… Now, I like nachos, especially when they’re not too spicy like these were. I found myself eating around things more than eating them. Some people like hot peppers and jalapeños, but I’m not some people.

Just across the street were the Steak & Cheese Logs from Steaksters.

Available with three dipping sauces and blue cheese was the only non-objectionable choice. Very tasty. Still could be considered an entree.

And what better side dish than the Macaroni Tuna Salad from Brodies of WNY LLC?

Despite the name, there seemed to be a lot of egg salad in its DNA, which is always a good thing. 

Wanting to keep the fun train going, I stop at Restaurante Mi Isla to try out the Arroz con Gandules

The only thing missing from this dish: spices. I suppose I understand wanting to move more product so as not to offend the rubes, but man! A dash of salt, at least!

One of the things I loved about Tastes of old were the offerings from the (now-defunct) Jack Astor's. One of them was Garlic Bread. Dripping with butter and full of garlicky goodness. Good times.

I guess I was desperate for that same magic from the Garlic Bread from Anchi A La Carte.

Edible, but a bit less magical than I wanted.

As this was the 40th anniversary of the Taste, Tops was offering attendees birthday cake. The pieces were small, but still quite delicious.

I wanted to get to the theater at a reasonable time (i.e. about 10-15 minutes after the listed showtime; I trudged through the hot, hot sun and desperately needed to evacuate my bowels. The last thing I wanted was to suffer through condescending trailers for youth-aimed pablum.), so I headed back the way I came. However, there was one last item I wanted to try: the "Chicken Coop" Loaded Potato from Dirty Bird Chicken N' Waffles LLC. 

Even with the long, long line, I just had to get some for myself. All I can say is that I miss the Dirty Bird Sandwich that's a part of the food truck's normal menu.

Then, it was off to the movies for Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken. I really wanted to see it before it ended up on streaming...July 18th. (Which was announced on the film's theatrical release date of June 30th. This streaming thing is backfiring on studios in a big way and if they don't figure out that their writers and actors need to be paid a fair wage, they're sure as shit never figuring this out.) A no-prize to anyone who guessed that I was the only person in the screening room. The film is undeniably derivative - if you've seen Luca and Turning Red, you've pretty much seen this movie - but still quite charming. The character work, effective scripting and rubbery animation make it entertaining.

After the movie, I returned for more food. Sadly, as it was getting quite late, some of the vendors I wished to patronize were running low on their dishes.

Because I just couldn't stay away, I returned to Steaksters for their Chicken Wing Dip Logs.

For real, I need to look this place up. They've got something.

I had next hoped to hit up A'mano Fresh Pasta Kitchen. Their line was crazy long, so I instead tried my hand at WBBZ's booth. Three chances to throw a football through a hole in the hopes of winning a prize. I missed three times, especially demoralizing when you consider that some punk kid made it all three times.

Frustration is setting in. To alleviate that, I get the Alu Tikki from New Jewel of India, which is described as a 'deep fried potato pancake stuffed with peas'. What have I got to lose?

Apparently six tickets. The spice problem asserts itself yet again...and this was an Indian joint!

I get back in line for A'mano's, figuring that I truly have nothing to lose, by this point. By the time I get up there, what I want from them is still cooking and wouldn't be ready for quite some time. That they're sold out of another of their items is a sign. 'Maybe, I can salvage this with some dessert', I find myself thinking.

Nope. Golden Hour Treats is on break.

Feeling that I have had all I can stand and unwilling to spend more time here than I need to, I decided that the Piggy Mac'N from The Cheesy Chick would be my last entree of the day.

This was okay; perfectly cromulent, but nothing special, a feeling I’ve had for a number of this place’s offerings.

Realizing I had been licked, I went to Just Pizza to pick up some Cajun Honey BBQ Chicken Wings for my mom. Good thing I remembered to bring a Ziploc bag to keep them in. Of course, walking all the way back to my car wiped me out, but if I could get home, decompress and whip up a strategy for tomorrow, I'd be just fine.

Cut to Sunday. Less hassle (I hope). Less people (I assume). More of a focused meal plan (I’m sure).

I garnish my leftover tickets with a fresh new sheet and I’m off to work.

First, I head for the Kith and Kin Bakeshop & Bistro to try their Meatloaf Sundae.

Wow. To think this was actually in my ‘maybe’ pile as far as the weekend’s offerings. So damn good. I’d take it over half of the meals I was drowning in sweat to obtain yesterday.

Once again, I went to the WBBZ booth to try my hand at a prize. Three more misses. Ugh. (Didn’t go home empty-handed, though. Got a tote bag from the WUTV booth from their faux-Plinko game.)

I went back to A’mano Fresh Pasta Kitchen’s stand. The line was much shorter today. It took a whole freaking day, but I finally got my Rigatoni Alla Bolognese.

It was…fine. Maybe, I’d grown too accustomed to the pesto in Stouffer’s Rigatoni dish, but the marinara just didn’t compare. 

Just as I'd hoped to do on Saturday, I finished my jaunt with dessert: Banana Pudding from Golden Hour Treats. The cost was ten tickets and it was worth every single one.

Having had my fill, I trudged back to my car and made my way home, where it took me two weekends to finish this post. Be glad I didn't wait until August. I'd have totally forgotten the specifics by then.

All in all, this was one of the more interesting, frustrating and just plain unusual Tastes I've experienced and I can't promise I won't do it again next year.



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