Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Don't let this get around too much, but your boy just got himself an IMDb page!

Let's turn the clock back to November of last year. While attending the cinema (The Old Man and the Gun was the feature, I believe), I happened upon a flier advertising an 8-week filmmaking boot camp, whereupon its members would meet every Friday night to plot out and shoot a short film. Eager, I signed right up.

The class is set to start in January and - to my surprise - there are only four other people there, the instructor included. She tells us about hoping to get the short spotlighted in film festivals and something slips in about an IMDb page, which intrigues me.

I mentioned that one of my potential disciplines was writing, so I was asked to help write. I was under the impression that it was going to be a comic project, but the short ultimately skews toward serious. Very well. There'll be other projects. Still, I'm asked to supervise the sound, which amounted to holding the boom mic.

The woodenness of the dialogue and the plotting left me feeling more and more disinterested in working on the short (to say nothing of the creepy guy in the class who kept asking me for a ride home). However, in typical 'me' fashion, I couldn't bring myself to speak my true feelings on the matter.

The premiere of the short was a few weeks ago and though I was invited, I decided not to go. Still, I checked IMDb on a whim and there it was.

If that's not a motivator to fill the page out with stuff that matters, I don't know what is.

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