Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tech support.

Well, I had a lot of problems with technology recently. It started primarily with my supervisors reprising talk of me needing a second monitor if I'm gonna be working from home...and I still maintain that I was given the monitor because they need it and not me. It's been sitting in my room since it was ordered for me in April. The result when I was able to hook it up (both times I tried) is a fuzzy ass screen; thank the splitter I needed to buy because space is limited on the computer.

The instructions for connecting the monitor with the cords I was sent are lost somewhere in my room, but thankfully, I was able to find them online. I was able to get a clear picture on the second monitor. Might've been a loose cord that needed to be pushed in. As it happens, it's likely one of those things I needed to talk myself into.

And just today, I had an appointment to talk to a higher-up manager on Zoom. For some reason, the camera already attached to my mother's computer didn't turn on when I needed it to (and nor did it seem to have an on switch, which...what the fuck?). A trifling thing, but for the fact that the higher-up needed to see my vaccination card, instead of trusting that I have half a brain enough to protect myself against the virus. Even with my profuse apologies, the woman was quite understanding. I gave up on Zoom and she suggested I download WhatsApp to my phone...only for that to take even longer. Eventually, I was able to get her the information she wanted.

Even so, in this modern society, you'd think that things wouldn't have to get so screwed up.

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