Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Health update: I'm pretty sure that my brief dalliance with Covid at the beginning of the year has flipped a switch in me, activating diabetes...or, at least, pre-diabetes. My toes are scrunched up to the point where I'm worried I may have to bid them adieu. I figured that the best way to get it under control - if not reverse it altogether - is to lose weight. However, doing that with the traditional methods - exercising, eating right - is bullshit. I have a secret weapon that seems to be working. Hopefully, it works well enough to allow me to enjoy The Taste of Buffalo.

Yes, I'm still going. Why the shit wouldn't I?

BTW, I'm a good deal more active than my father when he was struck with the big 'D'. So far, I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. Shopping for the shit I would eat all the time has become a never-ending minefield of blood sugar-spiking, artery-clogging, foot-lopping misery. I can barely eat anything anymore. Well, I can eat anything. I just have to get used to not being alive, as a result.




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