Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Talk about..."Talk About".

One thing I loved about staying home from school in the late 80s and early 90s were the game shows. The allure of cash and prizes. The vicarious thrill of success or failure as ordinary folks competed for a few fleeting moments of glory.

One of my favorites of those halcyon days was the Canadian-based series "Talk About". All you had to do was pick a subject to talk about in 20 seconds and the more keywords you listed, the more you succeeded.

Fun and pretty simple stuff. Well, a good deal more than avoiding those damned Whammies or guessing a song using only three notes.

Well, Buzzr has brought "Talk About" back and...well, this is just another example of why some memories are better left in the past. Not to be too acidic, but a lot of the contestants on this show are cretins; almost like they intentionally pick the subjects they know jack shit about. A pair held court over five games and even they weren't immune to this situation.

Well, there were a bunch of game shows on back then. Maybe, revisiting another one will lift my spirits. "Supermarket Sweep" is on Buzzr, too.

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