Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

When you're a kid, you can't get enough of sweets. Hell, even in adulthood, this never changes.

Back one day in school, I passed a table and saw a container of what appeared to be Bon-Bons. As it turns out, they were sponge candy. Candy that was soft and covered in chocolate? Sign me up.

Years later, I partook of it myself and how did I find it? Hard. 'Sponge' referred to the resemblance to a sponge and not the consistency. Needless to say, I was immensely disappointed.

The reason I bring this up is two-fold: a) outside of Anderson's yesterday, I noticed that they were selling sponge candy ice cream. This is certainly guaranteed to be a softer experience than what I had all that time ago, but (money aside) I can't remember the taste of sponge candy well enough to want to pull the trigger.

And b), I believe this did a subconscious number on me. One of the best desserts I've ever encountered is yellow cake with chocolate frosting; kind of like sponge candy. The problem is that I can't really find it anymore. Sara Lee used to have this as part of their snack cake line, but it seems to have disappeared. Likewise, Little Debbie, which used to sell them all year round, just has their Fall Party Cakes, available for a six-week window. It's like a sort of long con variation on 'they found out I liked it, so they stopped making it', which is weird. Everyone likes yellow cake with chocolate frosting, don't they?

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