Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Saved a cat this morning. Okay, so ‘saved’ is maybe too strong a word.

I was getting out of the house to go to work. I’ve already got a late start and I have to take care of the garbage and the moisture on my car windows. I glance ahead up the street and I see a cat wandering around with something on its head. It looks like a jar, so I figure that someone else will handle it.

I drive up, careful not to hit the cat and, on closer inspection, I see that he has an empty bag of Cheetos on his head. (Side note: not just to prevent incidents like this but in general, throw away your damn trash!)

I pull the bag off of his head (the leavings of the bag most likely long gone) and no sooner do I do that than the cat looks at me and just takes off like a shot. I don’t even say 'you’re welcome' because would a cat even register that? At that moment, a neighbor comes out and I figure the cat belongs to him but since the cat ran off in another direction, most likely not. We have a few words about the situation, then I drive off.

It feels good to help out every once in a while, you know?



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