Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Gridlock (Arthur B. Rubinstein)

Comical circumstances result in a massive traffic jam on Los Angeles freeways and a number of stranded travelers try to make the best of it. There's a scene where port-a-johns are airlifted onto the roads while "Ride of the Valkyries" plays. If that sounds like comedy gold, you might enjoy this made-for-TV movie loaded with familiar faces. If not...I don't know what to tell you.

Arthur B. Rubinstein's score is highlighted by some rising tritone material reminiscent of WarGames and a neat recurring motif for the scenes of various people on the freeway.

(aka The Great American Traffic Jam)
composed & conducted
Arthur B. Rubinstein

1. Main Title 0.29
2. Friendly Wager 0.31
3. Chrissy's Plea 0.41
4. "My baby! It's coming!" 0.39
5. Parking Space 0.49
6. Heeeeeere's the Queen 0.36
7. Whatchu Haulin'? 0.32
8. "A little touchy." 0.33
9. The Jam Begins 0.58
10. Lady with a Baby 0.30
11. Going on Tour 0.33
12. Truckers Ride 0.25
13. Driving Range 1.07
14. "...officially on vacation." 0.24
15. Mass Confusion on Wheels 0.55
16. Scratching Rigs 0.52
17. Running Through Traffic 0.32
18. Truckers' Jam 1.00
19. Leaving Without Daddy 1.12
20. Still Stuck? 1.10
21. A Drink from Snake 1.10
22. T-shirt Type 0.09
23. Trying to Relax 0.32
24. Fingers Do the Walking 0.41
25. Off to the Races 1.09
26. Gaining an Audience 0.54
27. Can't Run Away 0.06
28. All Eyes on Buzz 0.15
29. Buzz in Charge 0.26
30. General's Speech 1.56
31. Airlift Relief (Strauss arr. Rubinstein) 2.02
32. 27 Years 0.34
33. Playing with Clarence 0.23
34. "All we can do is wait." 0.33
35. Creating a New Road 2.18
36. Troops Move Out 0.43
37. It's a Boy! 0.51
38. Meeting the Crew 0.49
39. Family Reunion 1.18
40. Working Things Out 1.16
41. End Credits 0.47

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