Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Yeah, I know what I said about Corona, but this is too big not to share. A week ago today, I got myself tested for the virus. It entailed having cotton swabs jammed up my nose (which I’m pretty sure makes me a mummy, now) and having blood drawn (it took some time to find a vein, but it was successful, even with the bruise left under my skin*).

The good news is that I tested negative for the virus. The bad news is that I have no antibodies, basically meaning that if I do come down with the bug, then that’s the end of me.

It hasn’t been as easy avoiding danger as I thought. People at my job (right in my goddamn row!) have taken to not wearing masks while working. More distressingly, the people in charge don’t seem to know or care about this breach of what I assumed was a mandatory policy. For real, if one of these cocksuckers gets me sick, feet are going up asses like you wouldn’t believe.

* - I was worried about this, but it’s clearing up pretty well and it should be gone in a couple of weeks.



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