Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Okay, when it comes to making my own food, I'm what the kids might call 'lazy af'. But when you surf the internet as often and idly as I do, you're bound to come up with something fascinating enough to try.


If you've got an egg, a big mug, a microwave and less than a minute, basically, you've got a party.

I just got through with the meal. The recommended 30 seconds turned out to not quite be enough time for a fully cooked egg. We've had this microwave a while, so maybe 45 seconds is the way to go next time.

Eating an egg by itself simply wouldn't do, so I had it with toast and Vienna sausage. The bits that actually cooked were very good; almost like the real thing.

Given that going out for breakfast (and eating in) is off the table for a long time, this sounds like a good enough substitute.



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