Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Maybe that guy at Fan Expo Canada was right.

An abridged script, inspired by today's review at Scriptshadow:

Me: Hello. I have what I think would be a pretty interesting superhero script that I'd like to send to you.

C: (crickets)

Me: It's about a superheroine who finds herself pregnant. The baby seems to be draining her powers and there's a global event that needs to be settled. She's been doing so much to not only palm the baby off on others, but to find out who the baby daddy is.

C: (posts every other goddamn script to be reviewed, including a few superhero scripts, because God forbid that anyone get feedback on their material to know their worth as a writer)

Me: I could get my script feedback from people who charge money, but between my many monthly expenses, that's not as possible as I'd like, so I'd really appreciate a shot.

C: (whines about the new Star Wars movies for-goddamn-ever)

Me: (indignant) Well, you obviously have better things to do with your time. I'll just move on to something else. (muttering) A pregnant superheroine. I probably would've been re-written anyway.

C: (posts glowing review of a script that's basically The Game Plan with superheroics stapled on) (actual quote) "You guys know I'm all about subversive superhero scripts."

Me: Go fuck yourself.

The End.

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