Mr. Cellophane

In a location adjacent to a place in a city of some significance, what comes out of my head is plastered on the walls of this blog.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Is Tenet even going to be that good?

Astounding. Just when there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel, someone was determined to snuff it out.

Reports from health experts - people whose job it is to know what the shit is going on in terms of wellness - state that if everyone in America wore a mask, the curve of this virus could be flattened in six weeks. Hell, foreign countries are returning to hunky-dory because they have human beings in charge.

But then, you have people gathering together, throwing close quarters parties and increasing the chances of spreading the virus anew. Even more, you have people not wearing masks because 'it violates mah freedum!' or some other beyond retarded reason for being the biggest cunts in the country not currently serving in government.

People complain about these moronified numbskulls on Facebook and Twitter (myself included), but I'm gonna say something about this situation that I would never post on those sites, mainly because I want to have a career in showbiz and this would be just the thing to cancel me before I even get on the air:

I think that the people who refuse to wear masks shouldn't have to wear them. God willing, their stupid asses will get killed by the virus and this way, the curve will be flattened to shit because all that will be left are the smart little pigs in their brick houses who wore masks in public and social distanced. Easy as pie.

Worst comes to worst, I just might jump the border into Canada. Everyone needs a little danger in their lives. A little.

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